Appoint - REF

Appoint (verb):Meaning: To select or designate someone for a specific role, position, task, or responsibility; to assign or name officially.


  1. The company decided to appoint a new CEO to lead its expansion efforts.
  2. The principal will appoint a committee to organize the school event.
  3. The board of directors appointed her as the head of the research department.

Synonyms: Assign, designate, nominate, select, name.

Antonyms: Remove, dismiss, discharge, fire, reject.


  1. Appoint a meeting: Let's appoint a meeting to discuss the project's progress.
  2. Appoint a representative: The team will appoint a representative to present at the conference.
  3. Appoint a date: They need to appoint a date for the annual general meeting.


  1. Appoint someone to a position: The manager decided to appoint her to the position of team leader.
  2. Appoint a task: The supervisor appointed the task of organizing the event to a capable team.
  3. Appoint someone as: The director appointed him as the official spokesperson.


  1. Appoint with authority: The board can appoint with authority based on their decisions.
  2. Appoint a successor: They need to appoint a successor before the current CEO retires.
  3. Appoint in advance: Make sure to appoint in advance if you need a specific time slot.


  1. Appoint a time: They agreed to appoint a time that would be suitable for everyone.
  2. Appoint a task force: The company decided to appoint a task force to address the urgent issue.
  3. Appoint a consultant: The project required expertise, so they decided to appoint a consultant.

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