Equivalents (noun plural):Meaning:Things that are equal in value, amount, function, or meaning, often used in comparison or substitution.
- In cooking, one cup of flour can be substituted with two equivalents of almond flour.
- In different cultures, different hand gestures might have similar equivalents in terms of meaning.
- The exchange rate allows us to compare the value of different currencies and find their equivalents.
Synonyms:Counterparts, replacements, substitutes, alternatives, analogues, correspondents, matches, analogs, correlatives, equivalences.
Antonyms:Dissimilarities, differences, non-equivalents, inequalities, disparities.
- Equivalent to: One euro is approximately equivalent to 1.18 US dollars.
- Equivalent in: The two products are not exactly the same, but they are equivalent in terms of quality.
- Equivalent of: The instructor explained that a smile is the equivalent of a universal greeting.
- Be the equivalent of: The new technology can be the equivalent of a revolution in the industry.
- Find an equivalent: It's important to find an equivalent solution when faced with challenges.
- Equivalent value: The app shows the equivalent value of products in different currencies.
Word Family:
- Equivalent (adjective/noun): These two items are equivalent in terms of quality and price.
- Equivalence (noun): There is an equivalence between the two theories.
- Equivalently (adverb): The two products can be used equivalently in this recipe.