Permeate (verb):Meaning: To spread or diffuse throughout something; to penetrate and fill every part or aspect of a substance, place, or concept.
- The aroma of freshly baked bread permeated the entire house.
- The sense of excitement permeated the atmosphere as the concert began.
- The idea of sustainability began to permeate the company's policies.
Synonyms: Penetrate, infuse, infiltrate, saturate, pervade.
Antonyms: Evaporate, dissipate, disperse, withdraw, remove.
- Permeate through: The smell of coffee permeated through the kitchen, enticing everyone.
- Permeate every corner: The feeling of unity permeated every corner of the gathering.
- Permeate the culture: The company aimed to permeate the culture with a sense of innovation.
- Get under one's skin: The sound of his voice had a way of getting under her skin and permeating her thoughts.
- Work its way into: The scent of flowers worked its way into the room, permeating the space.
- Be in the air: A sense of excitement was in the air, permeating the event.
- Run deep: The emotions between them ran deep, permeating their connection.
- Sink in: As the news sank in, a sense of shock permeated the room.
- Catch on: The trend began to catch on and permeate popular culture.
- Permeate every aspect: The philosophy of kindness was meant to permeate every aspect of their lives.
- Permeate the environment: The scent of pine trees permeated the environment, creating a calming atmosphere.
- Permeate the senses: The beauty of the artwork permeated the senses of all who admired it.
Word Family:
- Permeable (adjective)
- Permeation (noun)
- Permeator (noun, rare)