Mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous creatures

Mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous creatures


ฟังบทความโดยไม่อ่าน Script แล้วทำแบบฝึกหัด โดยสรุปเนื้อหา ของเรื่อง ด้วยประโยคสั้น 5 หัวข้อ

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  • Mosquitoes are a major public health threat. They can spread a variety of serious diseases, including malaria, Zika virus, and dengue fever.
  • Mosquitoes are highly efficient at detecting their human hosts. They can sense the carbon dioxide we exhale from up to 100 meters away.
  • Female mosquitoes need a blood meal in order to lay eggs. This makes them more likely to bite humans, as we are a major source of blood.
  • Mosquitoes are fast and agile fliers. This makes them difficult to avoid.
  • There are a number of things we can do to protect ourselves from mosquitoes. These include using insect repellent, wearing long sleeves and pants, and eliminating standing water around our homes.
  • ยุงเป็นภัยคุกคามต่อสุขภาพสาธารณะที่สำคัญ พวกมันสามารถแพร่กระจายโรคร้ายแรงหลายชนิด รวมถึงมาลาเรีย ไวรัสซิกา และไข้เลือดออก
  • ยุงมีความสามารถสูงในการตรวจจับโฮสต์มนุษย์ พวกมันสามารถตรวจจับก๊าซคาร์บอนไดออกไซด์ที่เราหายใจออกมาจากระยะไกลกว่า 100 เมตร
  • ยุงตัวเมียต้องการเลือดเป็นอาหารเพื่อวางไข่ ทำให้พวกมันมีแนวโน้มที่จะกัดมนุษย์ เนื่องจากเราเป็นแหล่งเลือดที่สำคัญ
  • ยุงเป็นนกบินที่เร็วและคล่องแคล่ว ทำให้พวกมันยากที่จะหลีกเลี่ยง
  • มีสิ่งต่างๆ มากมายที่เราสามารถทำได้เพื่อปกป้องตัวเองจากยุง สิ่งเหล่านี้รวมถึงการใช้ยากันยุง สวมเสื้อแขนยาวและกางเกงขายาว และกำจัดแหล่งน้ำนิ่งรอบบ้านของเรา

Additional notes:

  • The article also mentions that mosquitoes are found on every continent except Antarctica. They are particularly common in tropical and subtropical regions, where they can be a major health threat.
  • The article concludes by saying that it is important to take steps to protect ourselves from mosquitoes, as they can pose a serious health risk.


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🔮 Mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous creatures on the planet, as they can spread serious diseases such as malaria, Zika virus, and dengue fever.

ยุงเป็นหนึ่งในสิ่งมีชีวิตที่อันตรายที่สุดในโลก เนื่องจากพวกมันสามารถแพร่โรคร้ายแรง เช่น มาลาเรีย ไวรัสซิกา และไข้เลือดออก

🔮 Despite their small size, these insects have a remarkable ability to sense their human hosts from over 100 meters away! .

แม้จะมีขนาดเล็ก แต่แมลงเหล่านี้ก็มีความสามารถที่น่าทึ่งในการรับรู้ ว่ามีมนุษย์จากระยะไกลกว่า 100 เมตร! ( เพื่อที่จะแพร่เชื้อ )

🔮 What's more, female mosquitoes need a blood meal in order to lay eggs and generally feed several times a day.

ยิ่งไปกว่านั้น ยุงตัวเมียยังต้องการดูดเลือดเป็นอาหาร เพื่อวางไข่และโดยทั่วไปจะดูดเลือด วันละหลายครั้ง

🔮 With their long legs and light bodies, mosquitoes are also equipped with an impressive flight speed of up to 1.5 meters per second.

ด้วยขาที่ยาวและลำตัวที่เบา ยุงจึงมีความเร็วในการบิน มากถึง 1.5 เมตรต่อวินาที


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Mosquitoes (noun)

  • Meaning: Small flying insects known for transmitting diseases to humans.
  • Example: Mosquitoes can be carriers of diseases like malaria and Zika virus.
  • Thai: ยุง
  • Synonyms: gnats, midges
  • Antonyms: bees, butterflies

Dangerous (adj.)

  • Meaning: Poses a risk or threat to safety or well-being.
  • Example: Handling toxic chemicals without protective gear can be very dangerous.
  • Thai: อันตราย
  • Synonyms: hazardous, risky
  • Antonyms: safe, harmless

Creatures (noun)

  • Meaning: Living beings or animals.
  • Example: The ocean is home to a diverse range of marine creatures.
  • Thai: สิ่งมีชีวิต, สัตว์
  • Synonyms: beings, organisms
  • Antonyms: inanimate objects, things

Planet (noun)

  • Meaning: Earth or celestial body that orbits a star.
  • Example: The planet Mars has been a subject of scientific exploration.
  • Thai: ดาวเคราะห์
  • Synonyms: world, sphere
  • Antonyms: space, void

Spread (verb)

  • Meaning: To transmit or distribute widely.
  • Example: Mosquitoes can spread diseases like malaria through their bites.
  • Thai: แพร่กระจาย
  • Synonyms: disseminate, circulate
  • Antonyms: contain, restrict

Serious (adj.)

  • Meaning: Significant, potentially harmful, or severe.
  • Example: Malaria is a serious disease that requires medical attention.
  • Thai: ร้ายแรง, รุนแรง
  • Synonyms: grave, critical
  • Antonyms: minor, trivial

Diseases (noun)

  • Meaning: Abnormal conditions that affect the body's health.
  • Example: Vaccines are essential for preventing the spread of infectious diseases.
  • Thai: โรค
  • Synonyms: illnesses, disorders
  • Antonyms: health, wellness

Malaria (noun)

  • Meaning: A serious tropical disease spread by infected mosquitoes.
  • Example: The government is working to eliminate malaria in affected regions.
  • Thai: มาลาเรีย
  • No synonyms or antonyms provided.

Zika virus (noun phrase)

  • Meaning: A virus transmitted primarily by Aedes mosquitoes.
  • Example: Pregnant women are advised to protect themselves from Zika virus exposure.
  • No Thai translation provided.
  • No synonyms or antonyms provided.

Dengue fever (noun phrase)

  • Meaning: A painful mosquito-borne disease.
  • Example: The symptoms of dengue fever include high fever and joint pain.
  • No Thai translation provided.
  • No synonyms or antonyms provided.

Despite (preposition)

  • Meaning: In spite of, without being affected by.
  • Example: Despite the rain, they continued with the outdoor event.
  • Thai: ถึงอย่างไรก็ตาม
  • Synonyms: in spite of, regardless of
  • Antonyms: because of, due to

Small size (noun phrase)

  • Meaning: Diminutive dimensions.
  • Example: The small size of the smartphone allows for easy portability.
  • No Thai translation provided.
  • No synonyms or antonyms provided.

Remarkable (adj.)

  • Meaning: Worthy of attention or notice.
  • Example: Her ability to memorize complex formulas is truly remarkable.
  • Thai: น่าพิศวง, น่าทึ่ง
  • Synonyms: impressive, extraordinary
  • Antonyms: ordinary, unremarkable

Ability (noun)

  • Meaning: Skill or capacity to do something.
  • Example: The artist's ability to capture emotions in paintings is exceptional.
  • Thai: ความสามารถ
  • Synonyms: skill, talent
  • Antonyms: inability, incapacity

Sense (verb)

  • Meaning: Perceive or become aware of through the senses.
  • Example: Dogs can sense changes in the environment using their acute sense of smell.
  • Thai: รับรู้, สัมผัส
  • Synonyms: perceive, detect
  • Antonyms: ignore, overlook

Human hosts (noun phrase)

  • Meaning: People who provide a habitat or environment for something.
  • Example: Mosquitoes are attracted to human hosts due to body heat and odor.
  • No Thai translation provided.
  • No synonyms or antonyms provided.

Meters (noun)

  • Meaning: Units of length in the metric system.
  • Example: The building's height is measured in meters.
  • Thai: เมตร
  • No synonyms or antonyms provided.

Female mosquitoes (noun phrase)

  • Meaning: Mosquitoes of the female gender.
  • Example: Female mosquitoes require blood to develop eggs.
  • No Thai translation provided.
  • No synonyms or antonyms provided.

Blood meal (noun phrase)

  • Meaning: The consumption of blood by a mosquito.
  • Example: Blood meal is necessary for female mosquitoes to reproduce.
  • No Thai translation provided.
  • No synonyms or antonyms provided.

Lay eggs (verb phrase)

  • Meaning: Deposit or place eggs.
  • Example: After a blood meal, female mosquitoes will lay eggs.
  • No Thai translation provided.
  • No synonyms or antonyms provided.

Generally (adverb)

  • Meaning: In most cases, typically.
  • Example: People generally prefer to eat breakfast in the morning.
  • Thai: โดยทั่วไป
  • Synonyms: usually, typically
  • Antonyms: rarely, uncommonly , unusually

Feed (verb)

  • Meaning: To consume food for nourishment.
  • Example: Birds feed on seeds and insects in the wild.
  • Thai: กิน, รับประทาน
  • Synonyms: eat, consume
  • Antonyms: starve, fast

Several times a day (phrase)

  • Meaning: Multiple occurrences within a single day.
  • Example: Hummingbirds can visit a flower several times a day to feed.
  • No Thai translation provided.
  • No synonyms or antonyms provided.

Long legs (noun phrase)

  • Meaning: Extended or elongated legs.
  • Example: Spiders are known for their long legs and ability to spin webs.
  • No Thai translation provided.
  • No synonyms or antonyms provided.

Light bodies (noun phrase)

  • Meaning: Bodies with low weight.
  • Example: Birds have light bodies that enable them to fly.
  • No Thai translation provided.
  • No synonyms or antonyms provided.

Impressive (adj.)

  • Meaning: Evokes admiration due to excellence or quality.
  • Example: The acrobat's performance was truly impressive.
  • Thai: ที่ประทับใจ, ที่น่าทึ่ง
  • Synonyms: remarkable, awe-inspiring
  • Antonyms: unimpressive, ordinary หรือ ordinary

Flight speed (noun phrase)

  • Meaning: Rate of motion during flight.
  • Example: Falcons are known for their incredible flight speed when hunting.
  • No Thai translation provided.
  • No synonyms or antonyms provided.

1.5 meters per second (phrase)

  • Meaning: A speed of 1.5 meters covered in one second.
  • Example: The cheetah can run at speeds of up to 100 km/h, or about 1.5 meters per second.
  • No Thai translation provided.
  • No synonyms or antonyms provided.


1. What diseases can mosquitoes spread?

A) Influenza

B) Tuberculosis

C) Malaria

D) Diabetes

Correct Answer: 

Correct Answer: C) Malaria

Explanation: Mosquitoes can spread diseases such as malaria, Zika virus, and dengue fever.

2. What is the primary reason female mosquitoes need a blood meal?

A) To become larger in size

B) To lay eggs

C) To become more colorful

D) To attract male mosquitoes

Correct Answer: 

Correct Answer: B) To lay eggs

Explanation: Female mosquitoes require a blood meal to lay eggs.

3. How far away can mosquitoes sense their human hosts from?

A) 10 meters

B) 50 meters

C) 100 meters

D) 500 meters

Correct Answer:

Correct Answer: C) 100 meters

Explanation: Mosquitoes can sense their human hosts from over 100 meters away.

4. What is the flight speed of mosquitoes?

A) 0.5 meters per second

B) 1 meter per second

C) 1.5 meters per second

D) 2 meters per second

Correct Answer: 

Correct Answer: C) 1.5 meters per second

Explanation: Mosquitoes have an impressive flight speed of up to 1.5 meters per second.

5. Why are mosquitoes considered dangerous despite their small size?

A) They can breathe underwater

B) They can jump long distances

C) They can cause skin rashes

D) They can spread serious diseases

Correct Answer: 

Correct Answer: D) They can spread serious diseases

Explanation: Mosquitoes are dangerous because they can spread diseases like malaria, Zika virus, and dengue fever.

Vocabulary Questions:

6. What does "remarkable" mean in the given context?

A) Ordinary

B) Unimportant

C) Noteworthy

D) Insignificant

Correct Answer: 

Correct Answer: D) They can spread serious diseases

Explanation: Mosquitoes are dangerous because they can spread diseases like malaria, Zika virus, and dengue fever.

Correct Answer: C) Noteworthy

Explanation: "Remarkable" means something that is noteworthy or impressive.

7. What is the meaning of the word "equipped"?

A) Dressed

B) Provided with

C) Hidden

D) Damaged

Correct Answer: 

Correct Answer: B) Provided with

Explanation: "Equipped" means to be provided with necessary tools or abilities.

8. What is the synonym for "impressive"?

A) Boring

B) Unusual

C) Ordinary

D) Dull

Correct Answer: 

Correct Answer: B) Unusual

Explanation: "Impressive" means something that is unusual or outstanding.

9. What does the term "blood meal" refer to?

A) A fancy dinner

B) A meal made with blood

C) A meal mosquitoes enjoy

D) Consuming blood for nourishment

Correct Answer: 

Correct Answer: D) Consuming blood for nourishment

Explanation: "Blood meal" refers to the act of consuming blood for nourishment

10. What does "host" mean in the provided text?

A) A famous person

B) A place to stay

C) An animal or human that another organism lives on or in

D) A type of disease

Correct Answer: 

Correct Answer: C) An animal or human that another organism lives on or in

Explanation: In the context of the text, "host" refers to an animal or human that mosquitoes live on or feed from.

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